Making Requests

Once authenticated, you can begin making calls to the API. Most API calls require a "brand context" in the endpoint path -- meaning that most calls require you pass a valid brand_id that belongs to your Account.

To get a list of brands available for your account, use the following endpoint:

Authorization: Bearer 0oW0r4m1pjIlb5UJujZA5iVuse0XSn

The id(s) that are returned from that request can be passed into other calls wherever you see the {brand_id} variable in the API endpoint path, like so:




Including Query String Parameters on GET Requests.

If you want to pass additional filters into a GET request, please pass query string parameters. For example, if you need to filter a list of orders (note that some filter options, like 'status', can be passed more than once):

GET /v1/brands/500/orders/?status=open&status=closed&is_acknowledged=true
Authorization: Bearer 0oW0r4m1pjIlb5UJujZA5iVuse0XSn

Including Input in POSTs, PUTs, or PATCHs

To pass in data to POST, PUT, or PATCH endpoints, make sure to attach Content-type: application/json as a header in the request. The input should then be encoded as JSON.

POST /v1/brands/500/shipments/
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 0oW0r4m1pjIlb5UJujZA5iVuse0XSn