Products & Variants

Please note: the RevCascade variants endpoint is currently in beta. While the request & response signatures are unlikely to materially change, some optimizations may occur in the coming weeks.

RevCascade uses the term "variant" to describe a sellable item. Variants can be enhanced using RevCascade attributes. For example, variants can grouped into products using a "parent identifier" and "parent name" attributes. There are many other attributes as described in the attributes endpoint, including attributes for inventory, product & shipping dimensions, descriptive information, and many others.

When creating a variant, only the identifier attribute is required - all other attributes are optional. However, if you are planning on leveraging RevCascade to post new products to retailers, many more attributes willl be required.


Click on an Operation to view requirements, options, & examples.

POST /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/ Create a new variant
GET /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/ Get a list of variants
GET /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/{id}/ Get a single variant
PATCH /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/{id}/ Update a single variant

Variant Properties

idA static id assigned by RevCascade. Can be used as the primary key in the url of other variant endpoints.

The Supplier that owns the variant.

  "id": "1083",
  "name": "Demo Supplier"
nameThe name of the variant.
identifier The supplier's internal identifier the variant. This value is expected to be unique across all of a supplier's variants. Also, once a identifier is created, it cannot be updated.
upc The UPC of the variant (if applicable)
parent_identifier If this variant is similar to other variants, it is grouped into parent products via the parent_identifier value.
parent_name The name of the parent product.
colorThe color of the variant.
sizeThe size of the variant.

The current inventory of the variant. If inventory is specified by warehouse, the locations array will be populated with inventory by warehouse. Please contact us to discuss whether supplying inventory by warehouse if beneficial to your use case.

"inventory": {
  "inventory": 100,
  "inventory_updated_at": ""2016-08-01T12:00:000",
  "sellable": "Yes",
  "sellable_updated_at": "2016-08-01T12:00:000",
  "locations": []
  • inventory - the current number of units on hand and ready to ship.
  • inventory_updated_at - the timestamp when inventory was last updated.
  • sellable - always 'Yes' for now.
  • locations - inventory by warehouse location.

An array of RevCascade-hosted images associated with the variant.

   "url": ""
  • media - md5 hash of the media file
  • priority - the ordinal position of the image.
  • url - an "https" url to the media file hosted by RevCascade

An object of all attributes associated with the item. The object's keys are attribute codes. Some common attributes (e.g. name, size, color, identifier) have been promoted to be variant properties - these attributes will be repeated in this object.

"attributes": {
    "name": {
        "id": ,
        "code": ,
        "name": ,
        "grouping": ,
        "description": ,
        "type": "string",
        "units": null
        "values": [{
            "id": 341324
    // more attributes

The only attribute guaranteed to return is the "identifier" attribute. Technically, all other attributes are optional.

For more information on attributes, consult the attributes documentation.

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POST /v1/brands/variants/ Create a Variant
Input Parameters
attributes When creating a variant, all input goes into the "attibutes" key. This key accepts an array of attribute values. The "identifier" attribute is the only attribute that MUST be included. All other attributes are optional.

RevCascade's list of supported attributes is growing. To get a list of available attributes, please consult the attributes documentation.

Create a new variant with only a 'name' and 'identifier'


  "attributes": [
      "attribute": {
        "code": "name"
      "value": "The Best Thing Ever"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "identifier"
      "value": "SKU-1234"

Create a new variant with a recommended, but still pretty light, set of attributes


  "attributes": [
      "attribute": {
        "code": "name"
      "value": "The Best Thing Ever"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "identifier"
      "value": "SKU-1234"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "inventory"
      "value": 100
      "attribute": {
        "code": "image_1"
      "value": "http:://"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "manufacturer"
      "value": "Best Builders"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "manufacturer_part_number"
      "value": "BTE-2016"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "cost"
      "value": 150.00
      "attribute": {
        "code": "msrp"
      "value": 299.00
      "attribute": {
        "code": "lead_time"
      "value": 2
      "attribute": {
        "code": "ships"
      "value": "Small Parcel"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "shipping_width"
      "value": 12.00
      "attribute": {
        "code": "shipping_height"
      "value": 6.00
      "attribute": {
        "code": "shipping_length"
      "value": 19.5
      "attribute": {
        "code": "shipping_weight"
      "value": 15.00

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GET /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/ Get a list of variants
Optional Query String Parameters
short 1 - return a limited set of attributes (can speed up requests)
0 - return all attributes associated with the variants.
in_stock 1 - return variants with inventory > 0.
0 - return variants that have inventory of 0.
has_images 1 - return only variants that have images associated with them.
0 - return variants that are missing images.
has_shipping 1 - return only variants that have package sizes and weights.
0 - return variants that are missing shipping information.

Filter results based on a free-text search against a limited set of attributes.

The format is "attribute=code[value1||value2||value3]"

Please makes sure to URL-encode the value before sending.

Searchable attributes include:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Category
  • Material
  • Finish
  • Collection
created_at_{operator} Show variants that were created before or after an epoch timestamp in UTC.

Please substitute {operator} with "lt" (less than),"lte" (less than or equal), "gt" (greater than), or "gte" (greater than or equal).
updated_at_{operator} Show variants that were updated before or after an epoch timestamp in UTC.

Please substitute {operator} with "lt" (less than),"lte" (less than or equal), "gt" (greater than), or "gte" (greater than or equal).
limit Customize the number of results return (max 250).

Get a list of variants missing shipping dimensions (e.g. package sizes and weights)


Get a list of blue and red variants in XL (remember to url encode)


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GET /v1/brands/{brand_id}/variants/{id}/ Get a single variant.

Get a variant by its ID


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PATCH /v1/brands/variants/{id}/ Update a single variant
Input Parameters
attributes When updating a variant, all input goes into the "attibutes" key. This key accepts an array of attribute values. The "identifier" attribute is the only attribute CANNOT BE UPDATED.

RevCascade's list of supported attributes is growing. To get a list of available attributes, please consult the attributes documentation.

Update the name of a variant


  "attributes": [
      "attribute": {
        "code": "name"
      "value": "The Best Thing Ever v2"

Update the variant's name AND add a retailer-specific item # & name mapping

  "attributes": [
      "attribute": {
        "code": "name"
      "value": "Best Thing Ever v2"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "retailer_item"
      "retailer": {
        "id": 1000
      "value": "RETSKU-123"
      "attribute": {
        "code": "retailer_item_name"
      "retailer": {
        "id": 1000
      "value": "Best Thing Ever (Latest Generation)"

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