Customer Type

Integration Method


EDI (docs coming soon!)

API Reference


Items (coming soon!)




Testing & Monitoring


Returns are issued when merchandise needs to be, or already has been, returned to the Supplier. Either party (the Supplier or the Retailer) can initiate the return. Once created, the return's status is set to 'pending' while the Supplier awaits the delivery of the items to the return address. Upon reciept, the Supplier will inspect the items, and if all is well, close the return.


  • BrandReturns belong to a single Supplier.
  • RetailerReturns belong to a single Retailer.
  • Return LinesReturns can have many Return Lines.


Click on an Operation to view requirements, options, & examples.

GET /v1/retailers/{retailer_id}/rmas/ Get a list of returns
GET /v1/retailers/{retailer_id}/rmas/{id}/ Get a single return

Return Properties

idA static id assigned by RevCascade. Can be used as the primary key in the url of other returns-related endpoints.

The retailer that placed the original purchase order.

  "id": 1000,
  "name": "Demo Retailer"

The supplier that received the orginal purchase order.

  "id": 1000,
  "name": "Demo Supplier"
created_byThe party that created the return (will be either "brand" or "retailer")
purchase_order_number The purchase order number from the Retailer's Order Management System.
ordered_atThe date of the original purchase order.
received_at The timestamp when the Return was recieved by RevCascade.
rmad_at The timestamp when the Return was issued.
acknowledged_at The timestamp when the Return was acknowledged by the receiving party.
rma_numberAn optional identifier for the Return.

The reason for the return.

  • Delivery problem (e.g. customer refused or undeliverable)
  • Item was damaged or defective
  • Item did not meet customer expectations
  • Customer Disposition

The current status of the return.

  • Pending - the items have not yet been received by Supplier.
  • Accepted - the return has been closed by the Supplier.
total_amountThe total value (in USD) of the return.

An array or Return Line Items. Each Return Line represents a unique item from the Purchase Order.

"rma_lines": [{
    "id": 100451,
    "variant": {...},
    "quantity": 2,
    "order_line": {...}

id - The static id of the return line.

variant - The exact item that was sold and is now being returned.

quantity - The number of items being returned.

order_line - The original order line from the purchase order with pricing.

attachments An array of attachment objects attached to the return.
memos An array of note objects attached to the return.

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GET /v1/retailers/rmas/ Get a list of Returns
Optional Query String Parameters
is_acknowledged Boolean filter that retrieves returns based on whether or not they have been acknowleged.

1 - show only only returns that have been acknowledged.
0 - show returns that have not been acknowledged.
rmad_at_{operator} Filter returns received by RevCascade before or after an epoch timestamp in UTC.

Please substitute {operator} with "lt" (less than),"lte" (less than or equal), "gt" (greater than), or "gte" (greater than or equal).
received_at_{operator} Filter returns received by RevCascade before or after an epoch timestamp in UTC.

Please substitute {operator} with "lt" (less than),"lte" (less than or equal), "gt" (greater than), or "gte" (greater than or equal).
limit Customize the number of results return (max 250). Requests that return more records than the limit will be paginated.

Get all new returns that have been not yet been acknowledged.


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GET /v1/retailers/{retailer_id}/rmas/{id}/ Get a single return

Get a single return by its ID.


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PUT /v1/retailers/{retailer_id}/rmas/{id}/acknowledge/ Acknowledge receipt

Acknowledge receipt of a new return.


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